Cash & Carry
Supplier of Foods & Drinks
Wholesale & Retail

Wholesale - Ades

Thank you for your interest in becoming an Ades Wholesale Customer

Ades is at the forefront of wholesale and retail African and Caribbean food and drinks in the UK and provides a structured and seamless ordering and delivery process to different parts of the UK and Europe.

As a wholesale customer, you can purchase at discounted rates from a range of over 2,000 items we have in stock. With years of providing exceptional wholesale prices and support to independent retailers and wholesalers, we know how to help you make the most of your business.

To register with us, please complete the form below and attach the listed documents.

  1. Means of Identification (Passport or Driver's License)
  2. Utility Bill (E.g. Gas, Water or Electricity bill dated within the last three months)
  3. Letter from HMRC or Incorporation Certificate.
To activate your registered wholesale account for online shopping, please click here to SUBMIT the CODE sent to you via email.


Sole Proprietor
*sole proprietors must attach a letter from HMRC


*attach a valid ID of the director / proprietor

Independent Retailer
Internet Trader
Travel Retail
Cash & Carry
Wine Bar
Importer/Agency House
Others(Please provide details)


*attach a utility bill of trading address

Fill this section if you are opening a CREDIT ACCOUNT:

*(speak to our Account Dept. before applying for a Credit Account)

Your information:

At Ades we take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to administer your account and provide you with our services. We will not provide your personal information to any third party. From time to time we may contact you with information about our other services or offers. If you do NOT want us to contact you for this purpose please tick this box:


I confirm the above information to be accurate. Credit facilities, where granted would be on a strict 30 days from date of invoice basis, unless otherwise notified in writing. I have read and understood the consent I give above regarding the use of my personal information.

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